It is Allah Who created you in a state of weakness, and after weakness gave strength; then after strength, caused weakness and old age. He creates what He pleases. He is the All-knowing, the All-Powerful. (30:55)
It's hard to believe anyone would wish for Jesus to be alive and cursed with aging for millennia. A typical lifespan becomes painful once old age approaches; 2000 years would be an unbearable existence. The Holy Quran defines aging as an undeniable principle applicable to all life forms, including Jesus. Aging inevitably leads to a loss of physical and mental abilities. It's relentless and irreversible. If something is alive, it ages. Born weak, humans gain strength until they reach a peak, then decline sets in, progressively diminishing faculties. In extreme old age, existence can become a sort of living death, with dignity entirely compromised. Thankfully, most people pass away before reaching this terminal stage.
Jesus is a man, and being a prophet doesn't exempt him from life's realities. The Quran supports the idea that if he were still alive, his existence would be reduced to a state of mental death. Aging for 2000 years is the worst fate imaginable, and it's unlikely a revered prophet of God would be made to suffer this. There's no precedent for what existence at such an age would be like, but we can speculate that such a person would be incapable of rational, coherent thought. His brain would be physically damaged, and muscles atrophied to complete uselessness. Instead of pinning the entire Ummah's rescue hopes on such a person, wouldn't it be better to let him rest in peace?
Also see:
Proof #6: Indignities of old age
Proof #11: Unstoppable Ageing
Next Proof>
dont forget some prophets has long age than our muhammads .Ibrahim has age more than 300 years old and noah has long age too when the Tsunami disaster comes through.
No ones know really when and where (Jesus/Isa )will raise in the world..
Qur'an has limited this files to moslems that the truth only ALLAH knows
Wallahu a'lam bishowaab
i agree with the above comment basically ..NOAH LIVED AND PREACHED FOR 950 YEARS ...besides the verses about old age /birth are general and not jesus specific..true jesus was a man like adam but we cannot assume as QURAN DOES not give us that info+all proophets are alive as they do not DIE like us
asif bro salaam .....
Plz contact with me
i want ur some help fow
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